While 2025 promises new beginnings, projects could get off to a slower start than hoped for as we navigate the Mars retrograde transit, which began on 7th December. The Mars retrograde journey will last for two and a half months until 24th February. Mars reaches his closest point to earth in mid-January and stands in exact opposition to the Sun on 16th January.
Most people are now familiar with the challenges of Mercury retrograde, which occurs every four months. Mars retrograde is much less common and happens every couple of years, the last time being late October 2022 - early January 2023.
Mars rules passion, war, conflict, assertion, aggression, wilfulness and fighting for what is ours. Normally Mars is all about taking action and achieving goals, but when he turns retrograde, we are forced to slow down and consider whether we are living the life we actually want. In these days of instant gratification, the Mars retrograde transit can produce tension, frustration, depression and even anger.
The reason for this frustration is that Mars has a passionate, warrior-like energy. When we make too many compromises; when we don’t follow our hearts; when we don’t acknowledge our desires and passions; when we neglect our creative and sexual energy; when we become stagnant, resigned and lacking in vital energy, we’ve forgotten to honour the power of Mars and something inside us shrivels and dies.
Mars retrograde asks us to consciously acknowledge our desires and passions in order to live a life of integrity. If you feel yourself wanting to break free and do something completely new, don’t be afraid of change. Mars retrograde offers the chance to re-evaluate, re-assess, reverse and reconsider.
It's also a great time to finish off outstanding projects or tackle something you’ve been putting off for ages.