Lunar Cycles & Emotional Balance
The everlasting monthly cycle between Moon and Earth has always had a profound effect on our weather, tides, birds, fish, animals, plant growth and of course on we humans.
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The everlasting monthly cycle between Moon and Earth has always had a profound effect on our weather, tides, birds, fish, animals, plant growth and of course on we humans.
Our cosy heaters and pot belly stoves help make the colder months warm and comfortable. Many of us look forward to hibernation and the slower pace of winter days. Not so our ancestors, who prepared for the coming of winter long in advance, knowing the challenges of finding food and keeping warm.
Samhain, the ancient Celtic fire festival, is celebrated by pagans on May Eve. The word ‘pagan’ derives from the Latin word ‘paganus’ meaning ‘country dweller’.
Here are some tips for gardening using the cycles of the moon for those of you with green thumbs or a passion for growing food. All lunar planning is based on the concept that the moon regulates growth processes on earth just as it regulates the tides.
In response to numerous requests, I’ve put together some information on cutting hair and waxing or shaving legs using the phases of the moon. Before you fall about laughing, this is a serious subject! Excess bodily hair may not be the most spiritual of topics, but read on...