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Couple Relationship Profile - How Compatible Are You?

Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that's a real treat." 

Joanne Woodward

Every relationship has its ups and downs and there’s no better way of deepening your love and commitment than understanding exactly what each of you needs to feel loved and supported.

Using the astrological technique known as ‘Synastry’, the Couple Compatibility Report offers an in-depth analysis of your most intimate relationship combined with tips to make that relationship as successful as possible.
Are you and your partner right for each other?  Can you communicate? Will the relationship last?  Do you share the same goals? What strengths can you build on and what areas of your relationship might need work?  Do you really understand your partner and their needs and expectations? 


20-page illustrated electronic report via email with:

  • Relationship Profile for Each Person
  • How You Relate To Each Other
  • Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Shared Values
  • Karmic Interaction

Click here for a sample Couple Compatibility Report for royal couple Meghan Markle & Prince Harry

The Couple Compatibility Report is part of the popular Solar Writer range. The text has been written by astrologer Stephanie Johnson with illustrations by artist Janet Bridgland.


Choose which kind of report you would like
Example: Kylie Minogue
Date of birth *
Example: 28 May 1968 2:00
E.g., 17 Jan 2025
E.g., 10:53pm
Format: City/Town & Country (if you were born in a very small town, please list nearest large town)
Choose which kind of report you would like
Example: Kylie Minogue
Date of birth *
Example: 28 May 1968 2:00
E.g., 17 Jan 2025
E.g., 10:53pm
Format: City/Town & Country (if you were born in a very small town, please list nearest large town)
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